reticulated giraffes and oryx on the Kenya And Tanzania Safari in 2024 ol pejeta conservancy

Ol Pejeta Conservancy is located on the equator between the foothills of Mount Kenya and the Aberdares ranges. It is a 360km squared. It is a great wildlife conservation with successful black and white conservation as well as the chimps. Rhino conservation- Ol Pejeta conservancy hosts two of the world’s last remaining Northern white rhinos. It also home to over 140 critically endangered black rhinos. The northern white rhino closely resembles its southern white cousin. They were hit particularly hard in the poaching epidemic of the 1980s and early 90s and it is now considered extinct in the wild. On 20 December 2009, Ol Pejeta became home to four of the then seven rhinos left in captivity. Two males and two females were moved from Dvůr Králové Zoo in the Czech Republic in the hope that the climate and rich grasslands of Ol Pejeta conservancy, a native habitat for the animals, would provide them with more favourable breeding conditions.

The Sweet waters Chimpanzee Sanctuary is located within the Ol Pejeta Conservancy and is the only place in Kenya where one can see chimpanzees. The Sanctuary opened in 1993 on an agreement between the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and the Jane Goodall Institute. The facility was initially established to receive and provide lifelong refuge to orphaned and abused chimpanzees from west and central Africa. An initial group of three chimpanzee orphans were brought to the sanctuary from a facility in Bujumbura, Burundi, that needed to be evacuated due to the civil war. This was followed in 1995 by another group of 9 adult chimpanzees, and another 10 in 1996.

Other than being a great conservancy for doing game drives, Ol pejeta offers activities that you might not have privilege of getting in other parks and reserves.

Riding With Rhinos In The Endangered Species Enclosure

Take a morning or late afternoon horse ride within the Endangered Species Enclosure. A Predator-free  area that  offers you a fantastic  opportunity to encounter different species of plains game. The highlight of this activity however  is meeting the last remaining northern white rhinos.  Najin and Fatu, are the daughters of Sudan, who became world-famous after being the last remaining male northern white rhino before he died in March 2018.

. Lion Tracking

Spend some quality  time with the conservancy’s researchers to track and learn more about the lions living at the Ol pejeta conservancy. Participate in helping them in gathering important research information needed to monitor the lions. When identifying lions, features such as ear tears, whisker spots, and nose spots can be used. It is an excellent way to learn about lions while also getting to spend time with them while out in the bush.

Running with Rangers

Are you fitness enthusiast who loves the outdoors? Join the conservancy rangers  as they take on a 5 – 7km run which follows gentle terrain across the plains. During your run there is also a chance you may encounter wildlife such as rhinos and elephants. If you get a little bit tired you can  stop and rest while the rangers do their push-ups, or hitch a ride with the vehicle that follows behind the pack. All you need to bring along is water and a cap. After your morning  run, you are welcome to join the rangers for a fresh cup of coffee and learn more about the special work they do to keep the wildlife safe. Group numbers are restricted to six people and physical fitness is a requirement for this activity.

Canine Anti-Poaching Unit Visit

Get an insightful tour about the training the dogs undergo to become anti-poaching patrollers, you can play a game of human-canine hide and seek, trying to dodge the canines and finding a spot to hide within the Morani Information Centre. This is a fun way to interact with the dogs. The visits to the unit are restricted to six people per group. This activity is not suitable for children under the age of 12 years old.

The dogs are each trained in a particular specialty – from detaining potential suspects, and searching for ammunition, down to tracking the scent of a poacher.

Night Game drives

When the sun sets in the wilds of Africa the ball game changes. This is when the truly weird and wonderful come out to play, this is nature at its best.

With the help of a spotlight that is  provided and an expert Ol Pejeta conservancy guide, you stand the chance of spotting some of Kenya’s more unusual critters. Aardvark, zorillas, bat-eared foxes, leopard, and lion hunts are just some of the sights included in our guest’s campfire tales when they return.

This activity is available daily between  9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EAT.

Visit Morani

no visit to Ol Pejeta is complete without a visit to Baraka, our blind black rhino, and a tour around the Moranis’ Information Center.