
6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari

6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari

6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari covers the Masai Mara safari Kenya, Serengeti National park in Tanzania the Ngorongoro crater tour Masai Mara is Kenya’s most popular conservation area. It is the Northern edge of the larger Masai Mara Serengeti ecosystem.

The great Masai Mara National Reserve

The Masai Mara, an awe-inspiring ecosystem, boasts a high density of apex predators, including the majestic lion, the lightning-fast cheetah, and the elusive leopard. Tailor made game drives on the 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari offer glimpses of expansive prides, while the flat Savannah terrain provides an ideal hunting ground for the cheetah, the fastest mammal on land. The diverse landscape features riverine forests, creating perfect hideouts for leopards and black rhinos. The name “Masai Mara” derives from the landscape dotted with trees, and the region holds historical significance as the Maa-speaking people have coexisted with the wildlife for generations, offering visitors an immersive indigenous cultural experience.

The Great wildebeest Migration

When you take the 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari from July to October, the Masai Mara becomes the stage for one of the most remarkable wildlife events – the great wildebeest migration. Over a million wildebeests and zebras traverse the Savannah, creating a spectacle that has captured the fascination of wildlife enthusiasts worldwide. The Mara River crossing is the pinnacle of this migration, where thousands of wildebeests face the daunting challenge of crocodile-infested waters in pursuit of greener pastures. The ancient-looking reptiles seize the opportunity, creating a thrilling spectacle of predator-prey interaction.

The wildebeests, displaying remarkable swarm intelligence, navigate the crossing, overwhelming the crocodiles through sheer numbers. While some fall victim to the massive jaws of the lurking predators, a significant majority successfully make it to the other side, albeit a few getting swept away by the powerful river currents. This period also serves as prime time for cat action, with an abundance of prey attracting the big cats, leading to increased breeding activities. As a result, January and February become opportune months to visit the Masai Mara, offering a chance to witness adorable cubs born after a gestation period of three months. The Masai Mara stands not only as a testament to the wonders of the natural world but also as a dynamic arena where the cycles of life and death unfold in a captivating and unforgettable manner.

The Serengeti National Park

Embark on a captivating 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari that extends its exploration to the vast expanses of the Serengeti National Park, an iconic conservation area known for its unparalleled wildlife abundance. Situated in Africa, the Serengeti is celebrated as one of the continent’s largest and most significant wildlife conservation areas. Throughout most of the year, the boundless plains of the Serengeti serve as the home for massive wildebeest herds, contributing to the park’s remarkable biodiversity.

Serengeti the Land of diverse Flora and fauna

As you traverse the Serengeti’s endless landscapes on the kenya tanzania safari, a rich tapestry of wildlife unfolds before your eyes. Majestic male lions and their prides gracefully roam the plains, while agile cheetahs, elusive leopards, cunning hyenas, and jackals navigate the terrain. The Serengeti National park also hosts smaller feline wonders like the serval, adding a touch of enchantment to the safari experience. On the 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari game drives in the Serengeti reveal a captivating ensemble of elephants, buffaloes, and warthogs, providing ample opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts to capture these moments through their lenses.

Wildlife photography adventures in the Serengeti National Park

Noteworthy as a photography safari destination, the Serengeti days kenya tanzania combined safari showcases its unique kopjes – ancient granite rock formations scattered across the plains. These distinctive rocks serve as vantage points, offering spectacular sightings of lions or leopards perched atop these geological wonders. The juxtaposition of the big cats against the rugged backdrop of the kopjes creates an extraordinary visual spectacle, making the Serengeti a paradise for both wildlife enthusiasts and photographers alike.

The great wildebeest Migration at the Serengeti

In addition to its exceptional wildlife on the 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari, the Serengeti is also a witness to the grandeur of the Great Wildebeest Migration. This awe-inspiring natural phenomenon sees vast herds of wildebeests, zebras, and other herbivores undertaking a cyclical journey across the Serengeti ecosystem in search of fresh grazing grounds. Witnessing this remarkable spectacle, particularly during river crossings, adds a layer of unparalleled wonder to the already mesmerising Serengeti experience.

Lioness and her cubs 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari

The Serengeti National Park, with its diverse ecosystems and dynamic wildlife interactions, stands as a testament to the untamed beauty of the African wilderness. A journey through its endless plains promises not only an immersion into nature’s wonders but also an opportunity to witness the intricate dance of life that defines this extraordinary conservation area.

The Ngorongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro Crater, a geological marvel and the world’s largest inactive caldera, is a captivating highlight on the 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari. Encompassing an expansive floor of approximately 260 square kilometers, this natural amphitheater provides a habitat for around 2500 ungulates, creating a vibrant ecosystem teeming with wildlife diversity. The crater is not only a testament to the forces of nature but also a sanctuary for various species.

Animals of the Ngorongoro Crater

Within the Ngorongoro Crater, a population of majestic lions thrives, showcasing their prowess as apex predators in this unique setting. Moreover, this crater serves as an extraordinary refuge for the endangered black rhino, making it the optimal destination for wildlife enthusiasts seeking an intimate encounter with these rare and remarkable creatures.

The views from the rim of this colossal volcano are nothing short of breathtaking, offering a panoramic spectacle of the crater’s expanse and the diverse wildlife below. The juxtaposition of the lush greenery and the crater’s rugged terrain creates a picturesque scene that is both awe-inspiring and humbling.

For those yearning for a more personalized and tailored safari experience, our team is ready to craft a customized safari package that aligns with your preferences and desires. The Ngorongoro Crater, with its geological significance and abundance of wildlife, stands as a testament to the beauty and intricacies of the natural world, inviting explorers to immerse themselves in the wonders of this unparalleled landscape. join us on the 6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari for memories of a life time.


Pick up from your Nairobi hotel at 0730 hrs - a safari briefing session with our tour consultant then drive to the Masai Mara Game Reserve as you enjoy the scenic views of the Great Rift Valley - Masai Mara game reserve is the northern part of the Serengeti, one of Kenya's most favoured game-viewing areas. The reserve covers 700 square miles of magnificent wilderness. It is the Africa of the imagination; endless reaches of acacia-dotted grasslands studded with hazy hills. Afternoon game drive to see the sundowner as you trail the Big 5 i.e. Lions in large prides, Elephants, buffalos, zebras and numerous plain game. Dinner and overnight stay at Enkorok Mara Camp Meal plan: Lunch, Dinner

Full days spent exploring the park in search of the big 5/other predators. Optional hot air balloon safari can be arranged at an extra cost of US$ 450 per person. Dinner and overnight at Enkorok Mara Camp The Mara offers wildlife in such variety and abundance that it is difficult to believe: over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. You will easily see lions, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, giraffe, wildebeests, zebras, buffalo, warthogs, hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, buffalo, leopard, many kinds of antelopes and elephant. It is in the Mara that perhaps the most spectacular event of the natural world takes place. This is the annual migration of millions of wildebeest and zebra from the Serengeti (Tanzania) in search of water and pasture. Following on their heels are the predators of the savanna- lion, cheetah, wild dog, jackal, hyena and vultures

We leave the camp soon after breakfast or with packed breakfast and drive through the southern part of the reserve viewing game as we proceed to the Tanzanian border at Isebania . Proceed to Serengeti national park with packed lunches en route - game is viewed as we proceed to Serengeti Angani Tented Camp for dinner and overnight stay

A full day with morning and afternoon game drives to explore the plains, Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Angani Tented Camp Serengeti is easily Tanzania’s most famous national park, and it’s also the largest, at 14,763 square kilometres of protected area that borders Kenya’s MasaiMara Game Park It is the Migration for which Serengeti is perhaps most famous. Over a million wildebeest and about 200,000 zebras flow south from the northern hills to the southern plains for the short rains every October and November, and then swirl west and north after the long rains in April, May and June. So strong is the ancient instinct to move that no drought, gorge or crocodile infested river can hold them back. The Wildebeest travel through a variety of parks, reserves and protected areas and through a variety of habitat. Join us to explore the different forms of vegetation and landscapes of the Serengeti ecosystem and meet some of their most fascinating inhabitants

Early morning breakfast then leave with picnic lunch for a full day crater tour. You will be taken 2000ft down the crater by a 4wheel drive vehicle, explore the crater before ascending back to the Ngorongoro Forest for dinner and overnight. The Ngorongoro Crater is often called ‘Africa’s Eden’ and the ‘8th Natural Wonder of the World,’ a visit to the crater is a main drawcard for tourists coming to Tanzania and a definite world-class attraction. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is home of Ngorongoro Crater

Breakfast at leisure then drive to Arusha to arrive by 1200 hrs. Board a shuttle to Nairobi to arrive at 1830hr. Drop off to be advised. End of a memorable safari

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6 Days Best Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari